How to Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the Goal Digger

Hey Boss Lady,

Are you a goal digger? Are you setting goals and accomplishing what you are setting out to do?

There are so many of us working hard to reach the goals we are setting for ourselves. From the corporate gal to the side hustler, we are all building empires that require us to make the right decision to get the best results.

As boss ladies we start each week, each month, and each year with amazing goals that we want to achieve. Somewhere along the journey, we sometimes lose focus, get distracted, get overwhelmed and/or even get discouraged.

All of this leaves us wondering why the goals we set remain just goals and seem unattainable?

The issue is not always in the goal, but most often in the strategy we use to attempt to reach the goal. A goal needs clarity and direction, with a mapped out plan of how to achieve it. Goals need to be smart or better yet, S.M.A.R.T. goals.

I know most of you have heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals and this is not something new to you. However, even when we know the steps of how to do something, we don't always apply the steps properly so that we get the desired outcome. It's like having the Pinterest recipe and all the ingredients, but not getting the results as seen in the Pin on Pinterest.

Trust me, I have failed at countless Pinterest inspired recipes and failed at many goals as well. But, in my experience in business, when I set S.M.A.R.T. goals, I have been able to outline what my goal is and how I am going to work on the goal and measure my success.

Here are the questions I ask myself when setting S.M.A.R.T. goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound:

  • Specific  - What exactly are you trying to achieve?
  • Measurable - How will you measure your success?
  • Achievable - What steps will you take to achieve the goal?
  • Relevant - How reasonable and realistic is your goal?
  • Time bound - When do you want to have this goal accomplished?
Let's say I want to increase engagement on my Instagram page.

So my goal is: I want to increase engagement on my Instagram page.

Next, I map it as a S.M.A.R.T. goal.

Specific: I want to increase engagement on Instagram by 5% this week vs last week.

Measurable: I will use my Instagram insights to document current information (Activity, Content and Audience) and compare that to the next 7 days. 

Achievable: I will post engaging content with CTA's during the times my audience is most active. I will create a series of IG stories (AMA, Polls, Daily Quotes etc) to encourage my followers to watch and interact daily. I will add the most engaging stories to my highlights so followers that are not active daily can still see the stories past 24 hours.

Relevant: This is relevant to my business as it directly relates increasing awareness and growing my business. It is something that I have mapped out and can reasonable do in the following week. 

Time Bound: I have one week to complete my goal. 

Now, what S.M.A.R.T. goals do not tell you is, how to adjust if the goal doesn't work. This is why measuring the success of the goal(s) is so important. If you did not get the desired outcome, you need to adjust your tactics so that you can try again. If you succeeded, then increase what you are doing and see the results increase as well.

My challenge to you, goal digger, is to set a goal for this week, make it a S.M.A.R.T. and go after it.

gold hand stamped hand made cuff bagle

Until next time boss ladies, 

Blessings, Peace and Love,
